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Behind the scenes- Filming Clara

Dream Time Creative is a social enterprise company based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, headed up by CEO Sarah Leah Cobham.


Sarah and the team work with both public and private funding organisations. Their philosophy is to empower through creativity. The Forgotten Women of Wakefield (FWW), is just one project DTC have been working on for the past few years. Continued research has uncovered several women of the town who achieved incredible feats which helped change the political landscape throughout England, in respect of establishing equality, but who have been forgotten by the history books. One of those women was 'Clara Maria Clarkson'. 


The film 'Clara' is a 30 minute introduction to her life at the most pivotal time: 


Clara was a lover and protector of women who signed the petition in 1866 for women to acquire the vote.


DTC sought to bring Clara, her history and the people around her to life, via the medium of film and privately screened the finished piece on International Women's Day 2020.


Clara is a work of fiction based on historical characters and is now entering the festival circuit in the UK, thanks to the many people who provided their skills and efforts in order to realise her


It was a great opportunity to be part of, the cast and crew where amazing and acquired a lot of knowledge contributing to this project. As your desired quite early on the set to get the artists ready the hours are long but this only deepens the appreciation for all the cast and crew who aid in making these productions for us to enjoy. It was fascinating to see the hair and makeup on screen and the artistry from the filming and production crew which was transmitted to the screen  We were all truly proud of our hard work attending the premier of the screening.






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